Beams of Light

awareness battles change freedom growth healing hope identity inspiration lessons mindset perspective transformation Dec 01, 2024

It’s so interesting to me to see and feel how scared people (including me) are or can be when they are pulled out of their comfort zones. Everything they have never seen or done before makes them feel uncomfortable. This ranges from places to people to environments to the unknown.

It made me think. ’Cause we are all born in a certain place of the world where everything we grow up with becomes our normal.” We assume (until we know better) that the entire world is exactly like us. I remember so well the day I found out that not the entire world has the same vacation days off. I grew up with my mom, who was a physical education teacher at a high school, and therefore always had the same schooldays off as me, because of the general school vacation days. Later on, my stepdad joined us in life, and he was a judoka teacher at the Physical Academy of Amsterdam and therefore also had the same school vacations as we did. Therefore, as a kid, I truly believed THE ENTIRE WORLD was off and free during each school vacation. It may sound super naïve, but my childlike brain didn’t even consider that it was any different for anybody else (as my mom’s brother and best friend were also school teachers, so another reason which proved THE ENTIRE WORLD was off like us).

Then around the age of 7, I realized this wasn’t true. ’Cause suddenly I became aware enough to open my eyes, use my brain in a different way and realize that when we went to the bakery, those people were still working. I was blown away! But when do these people have vacation then? I thought the entire world was free? What do you mean, you can live differently than the way I was used to?

Coming to find out what I believed to be the truth wasn’t true was a total shock to the system. An entire new world started to expand for me and I couldn’t believe my life wasn’t like everyone else’s life. I couldn’t believe “the rules” weren’t the same for everyone else. I started to open my eyes and understand slowly that we all have different ways of doing life, and we choose our ways and make our choices based on the model of reality we have created of the world, in combination with our priorities. Just because I was surrounded by people who all chose to live in a very similar way (and prioritized routine, security and safety) doesn’t mean there was no other way of doing life.


Each model of reality is different, based on your comfort zone, beliefs, conditioning, history, traditions, lifestyles, cultures, religions, programming, etc. The more I stayed curious and open minded, the more I was able to expand my mind and awareness over all these years. After having travelled to at least 60 countries, having lived in so many different places, couch surfed on so many different couches, lived with so many different roommates, in so many different houses, with so many different backgrounds, lifestyles and so many different beliefs, I was able to adapt and adjust to all the different experiences, and dove deep into everyone’s personal way of doing life. I learned to understand people and their (limited) choices.

I realized one thing, and this is, that at the core, we are all the freaking same. The only reason people see differences between each other is because their consciousness hasn’t expanded enough yet, which makes them live in a very limited, divided world. All they see is differences, and they are fueled by fear (of the unknown) or anything that is different from what they know or what they are used to, or what they are thinking to be true.

But once you have opened your mind and have been part of every single culture and lifestyle so intensely, you realize one thing. Thinking your world or the way you view the world is like the rest of the world (or the only way) is a very naïve thought (just like I used to think the entire world was free when my family was free, ’cause that’s all I knew). But the moment you’re willing to explore, are open minded, and are becoming conscious of the fact that we all have two eyes, yet nobody views the world the same way as you, which is all based on your conditioning and programming, you’re able to start looking outside your conditioning. Once you’re able to what I call do the helicopter view, and are willing to view the world from a higher perspective where there are no differences and limitations anymore, you’re able to expand your mind and not be influenced by your history or old programming or beliefs, but instead, you rise above this and are able to open up your model of reality. You’re starting to see even yourself as a third perspective and suddenly start to observe things from a higher perspective instead of making it personal and based on old, limited programming and comforts.

The moment you do this, you’re able to look at life like it’s a blank sheet. Once you’re able to break free from old patterns and influences and are able to expand your comfort zones more and more, you’re able to expand your world from the way you knew it. The bigger your world becomes, the more at home you start to feel in all these other, new, unknown territories, and the less fearful you become of anything that’s different to you. You start to feel connected to more places, people, religions, cultures and lifestyles. You’re able to zoom out and realize we all are the same. We may look different, do life differently, have different ways of prioritizing our lifestyles and values, yet, at the core, if every single person would be brave enough to expand their consciousness and expand their perspectives so world-widely that there would be no unknown territory left based on cultures, places or comfort zones, the entire world would have become known territory / unity. The moment you do your work and reach this point of comfort, you will see very clearly that we truly all are the same and only the level of your awareness and consciousness is deciding if you’re able to see the world as one or not.


After having travelled the world, I’ve noticed every single human on this planet has at the core the same wants and needs, and craves the same forms of connection and love. They just look different on the outside, based on our execution, traditions or programming. But at the core, if we wouldn’t add a color to it, we would all be reaching for the same light. Based on where you are in your journey, all the colors of others, right now, might look different, as different as the rainbow can be. Yet the rainbow is simply a blend of all the colors of light and is only seen because of light striking water droplets. This one light is creating all these different colors, only limited and separated by your view as the viewer.

Imagine the sun shining on a big lake and you see the reflection of the sun on the water like thousands of sparkles. Each and every single one of these sparkles looks different and separate, yet they all came from the same source, the sun, which is one big light.

Yet when you look at the sparkles on the water, it looks like you have millions of separate pieces of light, only limited by your view of the world. ’Cause the moment you expand your mind and look at the sun source itself, you realize each and every single beam may look different. One sparkle might be brighter, bigger, smaller, fatter or skinnier. Yet at the core they are literally all the same, only limited by our observation and consciousness.

How interesting is that?


I truly believe, in life, there is only one truth, just told and translated in a million different ways, depending on each person’s comfort zone, conditioning, tradition, belief, programming and level of awareness. And if you never dare to be open minded, to travel the world, live outside of your “normal” or don’t dare to try new things, new places, new cultures or talk and listen to strangers, you will truly believe your way is the only way. And how limited is that? Yet the moment you’re willing to make the world and all the people in it your home, you will realize you become fearless, as there is nothing left you don’t relate or connect to, as you are able to expand to the level where the entire world becomes your comfort zone, aka your home. You’re willing to see the world is only limited by your own limited thoughts and scarcity mindset of not being open and brave enough to discover the unknown. ’Cause the moment you do, the unknown becomes known and you will understand that we are all one, fueled by love, simply and only separated by your level of consciousness.

If you disagree, then it simply means you have some more work to do. ;)


My wish for you? May you be brave enough to make the world your home. May you be brave enough to make the world your comfort zone, may you be loving enough to connect with humanity in a way where you’re able to connect and see others as yourself, and may you be fearless enough to become so unbothered by every single person who isn’t capable to be open minded enough to dare to live outside of their comfort zones or who is too stubborn to prove their right from wrong instead of allowing their consciousness to just ascend and expand until they don’t live in separation anymore from everything that’s on the other side of their unknown. May you open your eyes to a level of awareness where separation no longer exists and is only an illusion based on your own limited model of reality. This world has no boundaries besides the ones that are created by the ones who were too afraid to live freely.

May the world open their eyes and wake up. May the world live in unity. May the world learn how to love and live with love and from love instead of fear (of the unknown).


Remember, fear makes people act dumb; love makes people one. In a world full of ignorant and unkind people, kindness and awareness are superpowers!


Stay curious, unbothered and keep spreading your light and love around the world.

Spoiler alert: Love wins!



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