Take your Spot
Feb 04, 2024Sometimes, all you need is to know what you need. I heard not so long ago the definition of “abundance,” which is basically getting what you need when you need it or having the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it.
And what I needed to start this year of 2024 the right way was a lot of love, a lot of bonding, a lot of family time, a lot of relaxing, a lot of ocean water, a lot of sunsets and a lot of dancing. While writing this, my heart is so full, as I truly feel like I was able to abundantly receive what I was craving so much.
I went home to Curaçao for the holidays and I feel more recharged than ever. No, this recharge didn’t happen overnight, but all the little things, experiences, connections and moments of each day added to this feeling of finally being able to fill my own cup. To be honest with you, I don’t think I have felt like this since 2019. It’s been a journey, it’s been a bumpy ride, a lot of hard work, a lot of inner-work, a lot of stretching my resilience, and finally, I feel like I’m seeing the top of my cup again. I’m not overflowing yet (even though the pouring never stopped) but I’m closer to feeling like my own cup is being filled to the top again.
One of the reasons I feel reloaded is also because I was able to dance a lot, within the right vibes, within the right spaces, with the right people. (There truly is no place like home.) Dancing has always been my personal recharge, as you most likely already know. It moves the energy in my body around, it releases my soul of the baggage I no longer need to carry, it fills my heart with joy and feelings of aliveness, and it connects me to the divine.
On Christmas Eve, I went out to dance away the old and welcome the new and something so cool happened.
Me, my sister, my soul sister (sister-in-law of my sister) and my brother-in-law walked into a party when the party was already happening. Without communicating about our intentions or needs for the night, we all had similar intentions and desires. No words were needed.
We walked straight to the DJ, which is oftentimes where you will find me at any party anyway. While we walked over, I realized that almost the entire place was packed, yet right in front of the DJ there was a free space where only a handful of people could fit. Without communicating, we all confidently walked up and took the spot. None of us even considered standing anywhere else. We took our spot like we knew it was ours.
The party space had the shape of a square and we truly stood right in the middle of it all. It was the center of the party; we were the center of the party. This space had been kept free, as if it was created for us. We knew we would be the life of the party; why be shy about it? Why hide it, why hide ourselves? The spot needed us as much as we needed the spot.
While we walked over there, there was no ego involved. None of us walked there with an attitude as in: look at what I’m about to do. It was more the opposite. We walked calmly, peacefully, humble and grounded. Nothing was planned, nobody communicated; it was like all our souls knew that we all had the same desire, which was choosing a spot where we could take the entire experience in, in its best way and through all our senses. We wanted to see, hear, smell, feel, taste and energetically experience it all. Where better than in the truest center of it all? And of all places, that spot was still free!
Wow, the joy we felt from the first second we took our spot, as if the entire party had waited for us to arrive. I know it sounds a lil much, but when I tell you I don’t think the party had partied like that before we arrived (confirmed by the DJ afterwards), it truly didn’t have the same energy until we appeared and pulled that frequency up! It was almost like we closed a silent deal with the DJ, the location owners, the organizers, the other partygoers and us together. We came and we had one mission: feeling joy, connection and freedom. We wanted to release, relax and replenish all right there on the dance floor. It was as if everyone knew what we came for and everyone fed off our energy to then also be inspired to do the same. It was a ripple effect which kept going in all and in infinite ways.
We lived our best lives. Nothing was too much. We were drenched in sweat but not enough reason to make us stop. No jumping was too much, no singing was too loud and no dancing was too hard. We were smiling the entire time, and through our smiles we were giving and pouring into everyone who was open to receiving our joy.
At the end of the night, we walked off from the party and I started to reflect on the feelings. So much satisfaction! Wow, what a great night out with my family. I hadn’t felt like that in a long while. The perfect recharge, if you ask me. It started to feel like I got that spot because I needed that spot. I needed to feel it all – in the most capacity to truly recharge. I’d suddenly felt like that spot had our name on it, all along, and all we had to do was be authentically brave enough to recognize our spot and to simply be confident enough to own our spot. This party energized us and we energized the party. It was an equal exchange, where we both needed each other. It was a healthy relationship, and all we had to do was own our personality, identity, feelings, needs, energy and our time. We made time to show up, so we decided we better show up, for nobody else but ourselves.
I realized that this can be related to anything in your life: your career, your house, your income, your relationships; the list goes on. It’s crucial to know and realize what you need and what you deserve. Recognize your position in relation to this need and create and use opportunities to take your spot so you can fulfill your needs. Don’t be afraid to be too much or to take up too much space. Life is short and opportunities don’t last forever. Take your spot, claim it and own it, because only then will you feel abundance. Only then, you’re being authentically yourself and your people can find you. Therefore, it will be a win for you and everyone around you.
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